
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Saying Goodbye

Slice 3
Thank you to the authors at Two Writing Teachers for Hosting the 9th SOLSC

Today will be a hard day.  I have to say goodbye to one of my bosses!  She's retiring for health reasons.  (I won't go into that now.)  I had to share our story though because it has "Slice of Life" written all over it.
One of our colleagues put out an email yesterday asking all of us to send in pictures of us holding a dry erase board with a message of inspiration or thanks. She's putting together the pictures in a memory/photo book for our boss to look back at after she moves on to the next phase of her life's journey.  So my principal and I decided to take our picture together to send on for inclusion in the photo book.

Laxmi and Me
We are thanking Jackie for the opportunity to work together as a principal and coach under her leadership.  She's brought a positive change to our coaching approach where we are working together as a team for the betterment of student achievement within the district...saying goodbye. is. hard.  We are #APSProud to have known and worked with her over the past few years.  She's such an inspiration.
"How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." -AA Milne 


  1. Your principal sounds incredible!

  2. How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. The quote by Milne so beautifully marks the essence of this small moment. Celebrate today, through the sadness, the beauty of these words. Your principal sounds simply wonderful!

  3. Amy, the idea of a photo thank you note on a board is wonderful. I am sure that will smooth the transition time for your boss. I too love the quote you shared. A life of merit is a life worth sharing.

  4. So true Amy! Such a gift to work with people who inspire!

  5. Yes so sad and so sweet, Amy.
    Bonnie K.

  6. What a lovely tribute to her friend. She will definitely treasure those photos and sentiments.

  7. It is hard to say goodbye to good people. I am always grateful when I meet great people. It makes life so much easier.


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