
Monday, April 11, 2016

A Fib Filled Weekend

Thank you to the Two Writing Teachers 
for hosting the 
Tuesday Slice of Life at Two Writing Teachers.

The weekend was filled with fibs (poetic Fibs)!  With it being National Poetry Month and all, I had to share the wonderful story of how all of the Fibs began.

I waded slowly into my twitter stream after waking up in the middle of the night.  I saw this tweet:

I am always interested in learning more about poetry so I clicked on the link that took me to Greg Pincus' blog post on "How to Write a Fib!"  I thought writing Fibs is an interesting and fun way to pack a big punch in a few words.  It's basically following a Fibonacci sequence of zero, a 1 syllable word, another 1 syllable word, 2 syllables, 3 syllables, 5 syllables and 8 syllables.  I decided to give it a go and then wrote a Fib about tweeting and when Kathryn Apel shared her Fib.

Then Kathryn tweeted a response back to me...

Then some tweets later, Greg Pincus got in on the action...

Our tweets of poetic fibbery continued with these:

 and this after seeing the weather forecast

A special thank you to Kathryn Apel and Greg Pincus for the twitterverse learning and support.

Such fun writing Fibs with Twitter Friends.  And now, the challenge!  I challenge you to write a Fib-and leave in the comments to create a new collection of Fibs with slicing friends!


  1. It was so much fun fibbing with you, Amy. And actually, YOU tweeted the first fib - I just responded to it. (Couldn't resist!) So thanks for starting the game rolling. It's one of those forms that is a bit of addictive. I wrote in fibs all day yesterday. Including a three-part fib for a Math teacher friend who was celebrating his wife's pregnancy. (Because of course a fib is perfect for a Math teacher!)

    I guess you all know what my Poetry Friday post will be about, now. ;)

  2. Wow! What fun! Enjoyed reading them!

  3. Amy, this looks like the kind of fun I would love in the middle of the night! What poetry nerds are we! Makes me want to tweet a fib. Maybe my kids would like to join in. I write this while I listen to rain rain...

  4. I'm impressed with the words you managed in this middle of the night, wonderful to read all, Amy. Maybe a 'fib' is in my future? Thanks!

  5. So cool to have you share your twitter world in poetry.
    Loved it!
    Bonnie K.

  6. Totally fun. I wrote a fib for Poetry Friday.

  7. Thanks for sharing this fun form in practice. I will soon try writing fibs with my students. No lie.


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