
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Thankful so Thankful!

I have so much to be thankful for this week!  

I helped third graders and their teacher learn how to blog using #kidblog as the platform for blogging. Their contagious excitement sparked conversation with another teacher who asked the third graders to come and teach the fifth graders.  I know that the blog is just a tool to learn but they are beginning to embrace the technology tool to further their learning!

I planned with a new teacher to start the Daily 5.   We just rolled out the Read to Self plan this week and will continue to graph our reading stamina.

One of the fifth grade students politely opened the door for me as I was entering the building.  I'm adding her name to the "Growing Grinch Heart" bulletin board!

I wrote 4 times this week (and posted to the blog 3).  A definite area for reinforcement!  Thanks to the #nerdlution movement!  (The exercise piece is my area for refinement)... Still need to work on that.

I completed a massive amount of Christmas shopping.  Having so much done so early leaves me time to do other things like write and exercise.  Yay!


  1. We started blogging this year, and I am amazed at how much the students enjoy it. I use a hybrid form of Daily 5 and I love how much smoother it has made my reading block. Good luck with that and congratulations on your nurdlution success!

  2. You've been busy - how awesome to get a kid blog going, it really motivates them.

  3. Yeah for student blogging! My high school students started their blogging this week!

  4. Sounds like all is going well in your world. May it continue!

  5. Awesome week. Starting something new promises growth and future celebrations. #nerdlution - keep it going!


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