
Saturday, March 30, 2013

I really appreciate you!

Slice 30 of 31
@ Two Writing Teachers for hosting the Slice of Life Challenge 2013

Tonight as I perused my emails to catch up on a few of my favorite things, I opened the Choice Literacy Newsletter.  The headline article by Heather Rader began with this quote...

The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.     
William James
Brenda went on to share her article and encouraged the starting of "a four word revolution"..."I really appreciate you!"  I am buying into this revolution as a way to make the world a warmer, more grateful place to be living.  I do believe that we often hurry through our days!  As such, those around may not  know just how much we appreciate the little things!  So, I am beginning here with
the Slice of Life Community!

To Stacey and Ruth, I really appreciate you!  You are such great role models changing the world, post by post, comment by comment, Day by Day!

To my fellow slicers, I really appreciate you!  You have written such beautiful posts to share with the world... keep writing-you've got stories to tell and the world needs to hear them!

To my fellow commenters, I really appreciate you!  You've left so many thoughtful and caring words of wisdom over this past month and year-not only on my blog but other slicers as well.  Thank you so much for that!

To the technology wizards who've made all of this work, I really appreciate you!  I've had very few glitches this year and I am so happy that the technology side of slicing seems to have gone well!

To all of the people behind the scenes who've assisted in making this a smooth operation, I really appreciate you!  I am sure there are spouses, families, and friends who've had a hand in supporting a slicer in some way...

To anyone else who's had a hand I making this a success, I really appreciate you!  We couldn't have done it without you!

So let's join Choice Literacy and
begin the four word revolution!

Where will you begin?


  1. I really appreciate you. I read the newsletter, too. So glad we are connected.

  2. It's amazing how powerful words of appreciation can be. I had a rough week, but two bright spots were notes of appreciation: one from a parent and one from my principal. Amy, thanks for this post and your words of appreciation to this great community.

  3. Appreciation is underused, but soooo necessary, especially in a working environment. Our principal starts us off with celebrations and appreciations at every faculty meeting; in fact, some meetings are only those comments! Thanks for reminding me of such an important offering we can give each other.


I love hearing from you! Please add your thoughts.