
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Letters from the Elf

Slice 4 of 31
Writing for a purpose...
Entertain, persuade, tell a story...
Writing about writing...

Here's the story-this past year's Elf on the Shelf.
This past year, I wanted to spend more time with my son Kameron before Christmas arrived. I felt like I had neglected him the year before (with my daughter being just 1.5 months old). As a way to spend more time, what better activity to do than writing. I decided that I would pretend to be our "Elf on the Shelf" (Jingle) and write letters to Kameron each night for the month of December up until the day before Christmas...kind of like a slice of life for the Elf. Hmmm. Never thought of that until just now. :)

Anyway, I never made it through writing the letter each night (we had some nasty viruses going around the house), but did write for most of them. So Kam started writing letters to Jingle too. I am so glad I did this with Kameron. The dialogue between a little boy and a stuffed elf was precious. I put the letters away with all of the Christmas decorations and I look forward to seeing them again in December when Jingle comes back for another visit. I think next time, I'll have Jingle arrive with a journal so we'll actually keep a journal together. I wonder if Kam will still go for the "make believe" or if he'll have grown out of it-he'll be in third grade next year. It makes me kind of sad...but then there's Nattie coming up too...


  1. We love our Elf on the Shelf. What a wonderful idea, writing to each other. My boys love searching to find our elf each morning. Your Kameron should be fine next year. I bring our Elf to visit my third graders during December to help with their attitudes. They still believe, which makes my heart soar. Thank you for the wonderful idea for next year.

  2. I found, with my boys, even when they caught on to the "make believe" they still wanted to do the activities. Perhaps your son will too. Sounds like a great family tradition has everyone will look forward to.

  3. I think it is a wonderful idea. You might want to be on the look out for a second elf for your daughter. I can see your children claiming their elf. Wanting to create such magic in their own families. What precious memories.

    1. Thanks for the idea. I will be on the lookout for an Elf for Nattie too!


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