
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I need those KEYS!

Slice 21 of 31
As night quieted the neighborhood, I lounged almost statue-like on the couch except for the flicks of my fingers as I scrolled through blogs reading, "catching up" so to speak with those posting in the Slice of Life Challenge. I downloaded the digital notebook app and worked furiously to record thoughts that popped into my head from the day-busy, busy, busy!

After responding with some comments and clicking-over to extraneous links, I began tapping out some draft posts...
lego shoes...

mother daughter journal...

villanelle poem about school...

words just trickled and then it hit me! I developed cases of writers block with every draft and now I think I know why...I marched straight up to the office, sat down with the keys...

I need the keys to tell my stories like the pianist needs them to play his song! Something about the clicking of the keys and my digits striking out the words help me get my thoughts going...words just flowing...flowing through my fingers~~!
I just can't compose on the ipad...
I love it for many reasons
isn't one of them...
MAYBE in time
but for now,
I need those KEYS!


  1. You caused me to wonder. I wonder how the brain function differs in tapping (ipad), typing (computer), or writing (notebook)?

    1. I wonder too Dana...I wonder which parts of the brain are lighting up during slicing time...we need to see an MRI of the brain during a slice!

  2. How 'bout a keyboard for your iPad? I love the image of you as writer. I am with you, right there beside you.

    1. Maya,
      That sounds like a great idea...I will investigate!

  3. Are you referring to the "Confer" App on iTunes? I have it, but since I'm not in the classroom f/t, I can't get a real hold as to how effective it is. Please lmk what you think of it.

    1. Stacey,
      It was just a notebook app-not the conferring app (I think it costs $14.99 if I remember correctly. I saw it on AnneMarie Johnson's Blog post a few weeks's the link about it

  4. Keys... I'm only thinking pre computer...:)

  5. Keys to feel under the fingers does make it much easier to type. Interesting observation, a tactile person!

    1. I am thinking tactile and auditory...I listen for the sounds too...

  6. I have a wireless keyboard for my I-Pad, and it really helps. I find that my best drafting is done with pen on paper, and then I polish electronically.

    1. Since I bought my first computer in 1994, I have always loved composing at the keyboard. I felt like drafting in pen/pencil got on my nerves. I think this might be a bad thing because it causes a loss of what you edit? I do still print rough drafts and such...I would much rather be typing!

  7. Funny how "keys" can be important to some of us. I never liked pencil/pen and paper but I love keys. For me, it is not the tactile as much as it is the sound...100 percent auditory here:)

  8. I'm with you - there is such a physical element to writing that I pass over so much of the time because I'm focused on the mental. For some writing I need the keys, for some kinds I need my journal, for some pencil and a spiral notebook. Now that you mention it I'm going to pay more attention. I like the way your writing led me along - at first I was thinking car keys!

    1. car keys, oh that sounds like another slice...I have plenty of car key stories!

  9. I begin many times and then erase and start over. I never thought I would leave the pen to begin things, but that's what slices do!

  10. I love to type on the computer and you have a point, the keys do make a difference. I think that writing by hand is too slow. My thoughts come and I can't get them down fast enough sometimes, but once I'm on the computer I have a better chance to make it! Never really thought about it, but you have something here! Thanks for sharing! Happy Slicing! :)

    1. Thanks, I was thinking since you mentioned it that maybe sometimes using a pen and being intentionally slow is good therapy for a writer...but when the words are just bursting-you gotta get them out! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and happy slicing to you as well!

  11. Amy,
    I am connecting to your thought provoking slice in that I love my new MacBook Pro's keyboard. The soft tapping of the keys can be so rhythmic and soothing. I compose the majority of my slices on Word and then copy them into my blog. However, I often think I should use my notebook more often to truly have tracks of my process. The constant revising and editing on the computer is difficult to document and utilize in my mini lessons. ~ Theresa

    1. Theresa,
      Yes, the notes and noticings disappear with the cursor deleting what we take away...I imagine this is much the same with digital photos...just taking away what we don't want without record...

  12. I have never thought about this...but it's true for me too. I work best with a keyboard. I like that I can revise easier...and let me tell you, I never get it down without a lot of revision.

    1. Yes, revision is part of the process. I like going bac k and putting finishing touches on the cake! That way every slice is as perfected as can be...

  13. Funny to think of the Ipad as the issue - I am just moving to the computer to create. I have needed up until now a pencil in hand to write. This month of writing is the first time I have done my creating with a key board of any kind. It has taken me a long time to get to computer. I wonder how long for me to switch to my I pad ( which I love for many other reasons). Thanks for the post and I am excited to search out the app you mentioned.


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