
Friday, March 9, 2018

Day 9 Emoji Exit Tickets

Thank you to Two Writing Teachers
for hosting the Slice of Life

Earlier this week we worked with a trainer from our local children’s hospital on brain trauma training.  She shared a lot of helpful techniques with us in terms of understanding trauma reaction and how to help students access their emotions as a way to work through the trauma.

Today we implemented an idea-emoji exit tickets.
Here’s an example our coach liaison shared:

Here’s a link to explain more about ways to use them with students:
Today I shared that I was 🀩

It’s been a great week for me.  I attribute the joy of this week to the time I’ve spent writing and reading Slice of life stories!  Have you used emoji exit tickets?  How are you feeling today after 9 days of slicing?


  1. Haven't tried this, but such a fun idea! I'm sure the kids loved it!

  2. After nine days slicing, the best moments have me here: πŸ˜„; the worst: πŸ˜“

  3. The emoji exit ticket sounds really useful. I woke up this morning looking forward to reading and writing Slices, so I have to rate these 9 days so far as =)


I love hearing from you! Please add your thoughts.